Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lyrics: A Hippopotomus

A hip, a hip, a hippopotomus
Got up, got up, got up upon the bus
And all the people on the buts said,
"Oh, you're squishing me."

A cow, a cow, got up upon the bus
A cow, a cow, got up upon the bus
And all the people on the bus said,
"Moooooooove over."

A snake, a snake, got up upon the bus
A snake, a snake, got up upon the bus
And all the people on the bus said,
"Ssssssssssssit down."

A sheep, a sheep, got up upon the bus
A sheep, a sheep, got up upon the bus
And all the people on the bus said,
"Baaaaaaaaaack up."

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