
  • Magnetic/Not Magnetic
  • Sink/Float
  • Transparent/Not Transparent
  • Hard/Soft
  • Rough/Smooth
  • Thin/Fat

Copy Me
  • Use two trays and gather duplicate items.  You and your child should have the exact same items.  Arrange the items on your tray and have child copy it.
  • Draw a picture one shape at a time.  Child should copy along.

  • How many steps will it take to get to ...?
  • How many items are in...?
  • How much time will it take to...?


  • Pair
  • Shadow

  • Put beads on a pipe cleaner in a pattern.  Have child finish the pattern.
  • Button Snake
Scooping and Pouring - transfer items from one container to another.
  • Tools - cups, spoons, syringes, basters, tweezers, tongs, broom, dustpan, etc
  • Materials - water, beans, rice, Jello, etc.


  • Shape 
  • Color 
  • Size
  • Season (clothes)
  • Letter (first letter of word)

Bathtub Fun - Put glow-sticks or colored ice cubes in the bathtub.


Chip Slot - Cut a slot on the top of a Pringles can.  Have child put poker chips into it.

Cup Tower - Stack cups to make a tower

Family Magnets - Make magnets of each family member.

I Spy Jar - Place small items and a filler (like rice) in a jar.  Have child spot objects by shaking the jar and uncovering the objects.  You can also make a picture checklist so they know which items they are supposed to find.


Nuts and Bolts - Gather various sized nuts, bolts, and washers.  Let child put them together.

Opening and Closing - Gather various containers with lids.  Let child practice opening and closing them.

Photos - Give the child a camera for a day.  At the end of the day look at the pictures and discuss what was seen.

Puddle Tracing - After it has rained outline a puddle on the sidewalk.  Every 30 minutes go outside and see how the puddle has changed.

Ribbon Kite

Story Stones - Paint (or decoupage) pictures onto stones.  Use the stones to direct a story.

Velcro Board
